Pulse strategy V2

Strategy for volatile pools



The strategy maintains the interval within the pool of the corresponding Automated Market Maker (AMM) protocol in an active state. When the price approaches the current interval margin, the strategy automatically rebalances the liquidity to a new interval by swapping funds and providing liquidity to a new interval. The strategy utilizes integration with 1inch, which leads to reduced swap fees for rebalances.

The primary distinction from the previous version lies in a more efficient rebalancing process:

When the price (spot tick) in the pool approaches the interval's boundary, the strategy does not mint a new position centered on the current tick. Instead, it expands the existing position uniformly in both directions. This approach reduces the amount of tokens to be swapped and significantly decreases the impact of Impermanent Loss (IL) on profitability.

As the position's width increases gradually, its depth decreases. This process results in reduced fees from pool swaps and increased slippage when swapping within this pool. To counteract these effects, the strategy introduces the concept of position limit width. If the width reaches this limit, it resets to the default width size, and a position centered on the spot tick is minted, similar to the approach employed in the strategy's first version.

For the exchange of tokens, 1inch AggregationRouterV5 is used, the data for which is received by the bot off-chain and transferred to the rebalance function. After the swap, the received number of tokens is compared with the expected one. The swap price should not deviate by more than swapSlippageD, and the number of swapped tokens should not deviate more than by swappingAmountsCoefficientD.





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